A Twilight book review: Obsessive love

Tim Challies has written a helpful review of Twilight.
Tim Challies has written a helpful review of "Twilight."

Like many parents, I imagine, I was left clueless about the whole “Twilight” phenomenon. I was not aware of the books until only recently, and now there is a very popular movie in theaters. Thankfully, one of my most trusted book reviewers, Tim Challies, took some time to read “Twilight” and share his thoughts. For the most part, Challies thought the book (his wife read the rest of the series and will share her thoughts later) was well-written. What I found helpful as a parent were his thoughts about the relationship between the boy and girl:

While the love between the two of them is meant to be real, it also has a strange, unearthly quality to it. It also has an obsessive, idolatrous quality. Perhaps this is true of any love story, but I wonder whether girls are well-served by reading of a young woman who is so utterly consumed with her boyfriend that she seeks and desires and thinks of nothing else. She lies, she disobeys her parents, she does whatever is necessary to be with him. She is convinced that in this boy she will find her all-in-all. All she desires—to the point of wanting him to drink her blood so she, too, can be a vampire—is to be with him forever. She would rather be undead eternally than live without him.

At this point, with the movie out and the books having been around for awhile, it may be too late to consider if you’ve already jumped in. (An admission: My preteen son read the book and devoured it. When pressed, he said he was disappointed because he thought it would be something else.) Still, I would proceed cautiously if I had a young daughter who wanted to read it. Go here to read the full review by Challies. It’s very helpful for the very least in that it gives good discussion points you can have with children about what life values were displayed.

4 thoughts on “A Twilight book review: Obsessive love

  1. Hannah -had- to see the movie this weekend with friends. It was a group of four girls. Hannah wanted to be in the theater with me and Todd watching Bod, as did Todd’s wife. Instead Hannah and Todd’s wife laughed through the entire film. Apparently it was just cheesy and incomprehensible.

    Quantum of Solace, on the other hand, was pretty good!

  2. You’re right; I would be very careful with a daughter. I don’t have one of those yet, but I do have a 16 year old sister who LOVES Twilight, and it concerns me that she didn’t at first grasp the concept that Edward stalking Bella was more than a little disturbing, and that real life wasn’t at all like that. I reviewed it too, and I find that it’s still a good read, and the story made me smile!


  3. That’s an excellent question. If I were to take a guess, I’d say that HP has more staying power than Twilight does. However, Twilight it definitely going to give HP a run for their money because it *is* an addictive romance 🙂

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